Where to get a good Pedicure

For most women, nail cleaning and nail polish or even a foot spa is part of the usual wellness regimen. In District 1, there are many wellness and spas and beauty salons. Even these shops abound like coffee shops, most of them are very expensive. I went around Ly Tu Trong and Thai Van Lung and most of them are pricey.

Luckily, I found this spa with very good service, just along Le Thanh Ton with reasonable pedicure and manicure rates. The shop is Kirei Spa. The women staff would welcome the customers, make them relax as they explain the services.


Kirei Spa 15A/8 LE THANH TON ST, BEN NGHE WARD, DIST 1, HCMC Tel: +84 3824 1173

When I got started, there were three attendants assisting me, one cleaning my hand nails, one attendant for each of my foot toes. Wow! I feel majestic! Their attendants are courteous and friendly too.

After the pedicure and manicure is done, they will serve you tea or coffee and cookies as you wait your nail polish to dry.

I plan to go back and maybe try their other services.